Bolinas Hearsay News

Everyone is a reporter

Published since 1974. Get it in print in downtown Bolinas, or subscribe to receive a digital version in your email inbox.

YES, was hacked and we can’t get it back. Long live!

Send your submissions to:

Everyone is a reporter!
Submit your events, news, poetry, questions, concerns, classified ads, etc.
  • All submissions must be signed with your full name
  • Daily editor reserves the right to prioritize submissions based on space

Submission priority list:
  1. Local writer / local subject (time-sensitive)
  2. Agendas & upcoming meetings
  3. Local writer / local subject (no timeline)
  4. Local writer / any subject
  5. Reprints on local subject
  6. Internet articles on Bolinas


Thank you to Hearsay subscribers, advertisers, contributors, and readers for supporting this ongoing community experiment.
Would you like to support this vehicle for community expression, connection, and creativity? Your tax-deductible donation to the Hearsay supports both us AND our fiscal sponsor, the wonderful Bolinas Community Center. Simply leave a “for Hearsay” note in your donation.
Donate to the Hearsay

Honor-System Advertising
Thank you advertisers, for helping us buy paper and ink. We need you! We don’t have the administrative capacity to manage invoices and billing, so we’re asking you to self-service your ads moving forward. Please pay using this online portal, or put a check in the mail slot.

AD PRICESQuarter page (3.5x6 inches) = $18
Half page (3.5x12 inches or 7.5x6 inches) = $35
Full page (7.5 x 12 inches) = $60
Custom sizes: $3 per column inch, and our columns are 3.5 inches wide.
Honor System Ad Stand

If you require a receipt, email us and we’ll do our best. Remember… Classified Ads are now FREE!

Contact Info
Direct all submissions, advertising, and general inquiries to:
Direct all subscription-related questions to